Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 111: Thank you, mystery donor

RUN: 4.0 miles

After yesterday's pathetic attempt, I thought I should put in a good effort, so I took advantage of the weekend daylight to do four miles.

If you were the person responsible for the anonymous donation on my JustGiving site, then thank you very much. I don't know whether it was on purpose or by accident that it was anonymous, but I'm grateful whoever you are.

Here's today's run I did with boyfriend Andy

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 110: Wobbly legs and a hungry tum

RUN: 2.7 miles

This evening I set out to do the obligatory three miles, around Menston and back in time for tea.
These dark evenings really limit the routes I can do - no heading off into the countryside or down poorly-lit lanes - so I stick to the main roads and vary my routes to avoid boredom and dodgy situations.
I only managed 2.7 miles because I had to cut my route short. I ended up skirting just one side of the park, rather than four because I felt all funny around the two-mile mark. Not good. I'm tired this week and possibly hadn't eaten enough in the day. I'll rest and try to put in a good couple of runs this weekend.

Map and info for tonight's run

Laundry mix-up

Any idea why my running socks have left and right marked on them, when they seem perfectly symmetrical and identical? If two left feet mean you're a bad dancer, what does two right feet mean? Bad at laundry?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 109: Tasty fuel in the tank for another late run

Run: 2.0 miles

My work and social life got in the way of my running again today. After work I went out for a lovely meal and catch-up with my friend Carla, and by the time I got home it was quite late and I felt rather sluggish after stuffing myself with yummy Italian food. So not the ideal time to go for a run.
Nevertheless, I headed off on a well-lit route and managed to eke out enough enthusiasm and energy for two whole miles. Not bad.

Here they are.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 108: Back at Yeadon Tarn early doors

Run: 1.5 miles

Tonight's plans mean there's no time for a run after work, so I headed back to Yeadon tarn for a few quick laps in the morning.

Here's the same view I took yesterday of the autumnal tarn, this time by daylight

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Day 107: Twilight trip to the tarn

RUN: 3.7 miles

This evening my friend Amy joined me for a nice few laps of Yeadon Tarn. By the time we go there it was about 6.30, and the light was fading but there were still plenty of people about.
We did a couple of laps and Amy's knee was hurting, so we decided to carry on around the Tarn, rather than tackle the detour up the hill. After five laps it was rather dark, although there were still people enjoying an evening stroll and walking dogs. So we called it a night at 3.7 miles. A good effort for a Tuesday night with a bad knee. Hope it feels better soon, Amy!

Yeadon Tarn at twilight

Monday, October 08, 2012

Day 106: Race against time to squeeze in a run

RUN: 1.4 miles

Before today I'd never been worried that I would run out of time to fit in a run.
Well, I'm always fitting my runs in between work and seeing friends and family and things, but I have never worried that midnight would arrive without me having finished that day's running.
Today I did.
A very busy day at work left me with just over an hour to get home and get out on a run before the day was officially over. I scooted back, jumped into my kit and ran like the wind up the main road and back down. Not ideal, but it was most definitely my best shot. Today I tried my best, so I am still proud - even though it is only another 1.4 miles to add to my total. This is a hard challenge.

Here's tonight's late jog

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Day 105: Now a half-marathon in the pipeline - Liverpool Half Marathon 2012

RUN: 3.0 miles

Signing up for the Leeds Abbey Dash yesterday must have put me in the mood for a challenge, because I have also got my eye on a half marathon for March.

I think I had better do a half marathon before the full Edinburgh marathon in May. So on March 17, the Liverpool Half Marathon seems like ideal timing. Boyfriend Andy is also on board.

Today I ran three miles. Here's my map and info.