Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 118: Left behind on a morning run

RUN: 4.0 miles

Boyfriend Andy and I set out for a four-miler early doors because we had a busy day ahead.
As I've mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of morning runs, and this was certainly no exception.
Right from the start it was a poor performance and I felt totally worn out.
Andy doesn't feel the same about morning runs, so I persuaded him to run on without me. Although it felt like a very slow run, it was about average at 6mph. And even though I'm a slow coach, I'm still technically breaking the speed limit on High Royds...

Here's my painful four morning miles

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 117: Hurting feet, hurting legs, tired and hungry

RUN: 2.0 miles

A two-miler tonight before tea. I'm feeling quite worn out this week.
My legs are starting to ache a bit down the shins and also on my thighs. Also some blisters are starting to reappear each time I run, which hasn't happened for a while.

TIP: If you want soft and lovely and good-looking feet, don't take up running.

Here I am lathering on the surgical spirit in a bid to toughen up these little tootsies. Go away blisters!

Today's run and info here

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 116: Girls brave the pouring rain

RUN: 4.0 miles

My friends Amy and Donna joined me tonight (or rather I joined them) for a four-mile jog - in the rain.
Not just a little bit of rain, a soaked-to-the-skin, mascara-down-the-face downpour. So good dedication, girls - I'm impressed we made it to four miles despite the weather. Luckily, the rain eased off slightly towards the end.

Here's our four wet miles.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 115: Happy birth-day Isla Mae!

RUN : 1.1 miles

Today was the day a beautiful little lady was born... Isla Mae - a new little niece for boyfriend Andy and me. We visited her this evening, and she is gorgeous. A perfect little girl with a perfect little face.

Holding her on the first ever day of her life made me think for a minute of all the mums and dads and new babies affected by cleft lip and palates, even those in developed countries who'll get all the help they need to repair the clefts. What a happy but scary time it must be.

Anyway, happy birth-day Isla Mae! Congratulations Helen and Matt!

There wasn't a lot of time for a run after the hospital trip, so just a quick one-mile scoot up the road and back. Here it is.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 114: Be safe, be seen

RUN: 2.1 miles

Just one lap of the route I did yesterday.

With these dark nights, I think it's time to go hi-vis. So I've in-vest-ed in this lovely piece of kit. I do look rather cool in it, I must say. Not really.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 113: Digging deep for four Monday miles

RUN: 4.0 miles

It took a lot of willpower to venture out into the cold tonight after tea.
I wanted to get a good start for the week, so I'm pleased with four miles.

If I think it was a slog tonight, then it's scary to think of the depths to which I'm going to have to dig to do my marathon training runs of eight, 12, 16 and 20 miles-plus... not to mention the actual marathon. And the winter is only going to get colder. There's some definite manning-up to be done. Grrrr!!

Click to see my four-mile route from today

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 112: Falling behind on the diary

RUN: 3.8 miles

I am afraid I've been rather lax with my blogging recently. Sorry to all those who regularly check the site to see how I'm getting on - I must try harder to keep on top of things and write up my run notes.
I know from both anecdotal evidence and from the statistics I get on my blog that some people are actually reading this. It's lovely to know that people are interested enough to follow my journey and occasionally read my ramblings.
I've had lots of messages through the site (through the Contact Me page) and a few comments on my posts. I really love it when people get in contact, so if you're reading this, send me a comment... go on!
Just click on the yellow title of the blog, above and fill in the comment box at the bottom. Full instructions on this post I wrote a while ago.

Here's today's (almost) four-mile run I did with my boyfriend Andy