RUN: 3.8 miles
I am afraid I've been rather lax with my blogging recently. Sorry to all those who regularly check the site to see how I'm getting on - I must try harder to keep on top of things and write up my run notes.
I know from both anecdotal evidence and from the statistics I get on my blog that some people are actually reading this. It's lovely to know that people are interested enough to follow my journey and occasionally read my ramblings.
I've had lots of messages through the site (through the Contact Me page) and a few comments on my posts. I really love it when people get in contact, so if you're reading this, send me a comment... go on!
Just click on the yellow title of the blog, above and fill in the comment box at the bottom. Full instructions on this post I wrote a while ago.
Here's today's (almost) four-mile run I did with my boyfriend Andy
Wow, I'm really far behind on your blog! Good job it's quiet at work at the moment, I will catch up in no time! Jenny B xxx