I'd be over the moon if you could spare some cash for my cause by sponsoring me. Whatever you can give, every little helps.
There are a number of ways to donate...
So if you wanted to donate £1, you would type CRUN52 £1 and send it to the short number 70070.
You can't go wrong, actually, you'll be sent a message if you miss a bit out, and you'll get a text receipt if you do it right. There will be a link to fill in your details to give gift aid in your receipt if you wish to do so.
It's free to text - so it just costs you your donation amount.
It's free to text - so it just costs you your donation amount.
3. If you wish to donate the traditional way, I have some sponsorship forms, so just let me know. You can contact me the ways you already know how - text, phone, e-mail etc - or use the form on the Contact Me page of this site.
I know we're all being asked to sponsor people for various worthy causes left, right and centre, but I feel quite certain that after this year is over I'll never ask you again. I've wanted to do something for cleft lip and palate charities for a long time, and this is it. I'd be massively grateful for your support.