Saturday, February 09, 2013

Day 230: Too much wine, not enough miles!

RUN: 1.4 miles

A bad start to the weekend today, due to an unscheduled... erm... hangover.
My friends Amy and Donna are responsible (!) for plying this athlete with lots of wine last night, leaving me feeling rather rough today. We did have a good time though.

Luckily, according to the training plan, this is a relatively low-mileage weekend, with today down as a four-miler. Under the circumstances, I only managed the 1.4 miles back to Amy's house to collect my car from last night!

Shame last night's alcohol didn't manage to do anything to numb the pain of my tendonitis today.

Here's today's run

Friday, February 08, 2013

Day 229: Giving up, but not giving in!

RUN: 1.2 miles

Gah! Headed out for six miles and managed barely more than one!
Set off and my leg was really hurting. The pain usually goes off before the half mile, but not today. iIwas literally limping, so six was certainly out of the question.
I've run out of tape AND ibruprofen so was crossing my fingers it would feel a bit better, but no. More tape is due in the post, so will try again tomorrow. This leg has got another thing coming if it thinks I'm giving up that easily.

Here's today's little run

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Day 228: What this running madness is all about

RUN: 1.0 miles

A late night one-miler today. I decided to swap my rest day from tomorrow, since I have a day off work and can do my six miles in the daylight. Here's today's run

Take three minutes to have a look at this video from Smile Train - the charity I'm doing all this running for - and the children like me with cleft lip and palates that benefit from all their good work.


Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Day 227: Reaching 600 miles on a run to work

RUN: 7.6 miles

After last week's nightmare conditions, the weather was much kinder to me. A good run into Bradford with only one stop. My leg still hurts, but taping and stretching along the way seemed to help. Here's today's run

The 600-mile mark feels like a good milestone to reach this week. I feel well on the way to reaching my goal now and have the half marathon (in Liverpool next month) and the full marathon (in Edinburgh in May) firmly in my sights now.

I'm going do a marathon... never thought I would say that. Argh!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Day 226: Taking it easy ahead of my midweek effort

RUN: 2.2 miles

The training schedule suggests six miles for today, but given the pain in my right leg, I just did the two to take it easy before tomorrow's run to work.

Here's today's run

Monday, February 04, 2013

Day 225: Injuries persist on a 'rest' day

RUN: 1.0 miles

I'm glad to be on one of the training schedule's rest days today, meaning just the one mile for me.

Here's today's one-mile

The tendonitis in the top of my foot seems to have improved with the taping, stretching and ibruprofen, but now it's my leg (up behind the ankle bone on the inside of my right leg) that's quite painful. Posterior tibial tendonitis, apparently. It's different to the shin pain I had a few months ago, but just as annoying.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Day 224: Sluggish morning run... but looking forward to party time!

RUN: 3.2 miles

A busy day today, so a morning run is in order. Early runs are never the best, and this was no exception. Pretty tired and sluggish. Here's today's run

On a more positive note, I have booked a venue for a fundraising party to mark the end of my running year. It will be on Saturday, June 29, at Bradford and Bingley Sports Club in Bingley. There will be food and fantastic entertainment from the brilliant Beatleaders - Otley's finest and most awesome ten-piece party band. Check them out here.
I'll be sending out some invitations, but drop me a line at the Contact Me form above if you'd like tickets. Hope you can come!