RUN: 1.0 miles
So today's shin splints remedy is...
Epsom salts in the bath. I got these today from the chemist. It does say they're for constipation, but I put them in my bath water for a 10-minute soak to see if it helps my legs to heal (I have read up on it, it's not just random!)
These are the things I'm doing to try heal my shin splints...
- wearing decent trainers suitable for my over-pronating feet
- warming up and stretching well before I run
- now soaking in Epsom salts when I get back an massaging my shins
- putting ice packs on my shins for 20 mins at a time
- keeping my legs elevated when I can
- running just short distances for the time being
- keeping off hard surfaces when I can
- using my Noene heel insoles
- doing fifty foot-tap exercises every so often to strengthen my shins and calves.
Now if all that doesn't help, then I despair!
Today I just ran the same one-mile route as yesterday, with a tiny add-on section. I think I'll actually be glad when I am able to run further. Never thought I'd say that. The sooner I can make it more interesting, the better.
Click here for a map and details of today's run