Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 28: Hello Mister Blister(s)!

Run: 3.0 miles

No good can come of wearing high heels. I chose my most comfy, tried-and-tested high-heeled shoes to wear for a night out last night - which have never given me an ounce of trouble before - and TYPICAL!... I have two red raw blisters on the sides of my feet, right on my big toe joint.

So I'm plastered up as well as taped! I do think this pink tape business is doing a really good job, actually. It stays on for ages - even in the bath - and it makes my legs feel very 'held together', which can only be a good thing.

Tonight I returned to a route I don't seem to have done for a while - three miles through High Royds, down to Menston Station and back towards Guiseley up the man road. Here's the map etc.

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