Planes spotted: 0
Today I've been back to Yeadon Tarn to do a few miles. I really want to hit 200 miles this weekend, and before I set out today I had 8.2 miles to go and I managed to do half of that today - so hopefully I can do the same tomorrow and reach my milestone before the end of week 12.
The tarn is a great place to run because it's nice and scenic, there are plenty of people about enjoying themselves and it's right next to the Leeds Bradford Airport runway. It's great when the big planes come wooshing overhead - they make a really great, really loud noise. So today I thought I might try to take a picture of a plane landing or taking off for my blog.
This is what I managed to take... see the the tail fin in the middle?
Haha. Two rubbish photos in a row! I'll try to get a good one next time.
My boyfriend Andy and his friends have run more than seven miles, cycled 48 miles and kayaked one mile today and are doing fantastically at the halfway point of the two-day Coast to Coast challenge in Scotland. Well done Andy, Tim and Luke. Very proud.
Here's today's map for my Yeadon Tarn run
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