RUN: 2.0 miles
So I've written a lot about running and being tired and being injured and moaned about the weather, but I haven't written a lot about why I run.
It's all for a good cause and all that, but the real reason is a bit different. I run because I'm so lucky and so grateful. Things could have been a lot different for me if I had been born elsewhere.
The pictures of the children and adults with their facial disfigurements are not nice to look at. But it's really imagining being on the inside looking out, it's the thought of them having no hope for the future, and that everything me and my family have been through pales compared to the hopeless existence of those children stigmatised and sidelined in society.
We always had hope and I never thought I would have anything but a normal life and never thought having this bilateral cleft lip and palate would stop me doing anything I wanted. So if I manage to give just one person a little of that hope and freedom then it will have all been worth it 100 times over.
So tonight I ran two miles. Here's my map and information.
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