RUN: 2.0 miles
121 days down, 244 to go - one third of the way (days-wise) today! With marathon and half-marathin training on the horizon, something tells me that was the easy third.
A morning run today, and the usual troubles. It's like I'm running in a different body when I go first thing - a really unfit body. Breathless, heavy legs and a grumpy, bad attitude - not a good combination!
These races are all morning affairs, with 10am starts, so I'd better get used to getting moving in the morning or I'm going to be a bit stuck. 10am isn't exactly the crack of dawn though, so I'll just have to get up really early and get those cobwebs blown away.
Here's my two-mile run for today. I was hoping to make it to 300 miles today, but I flaked out, so I'll leave that milestone for tomorrow.
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