Deicing the car early this morning, I wondered just what we were thinking getting up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday to head into Leeds city centre and run down a road and back again with 7,500 other mad people.
But it turned out to be well worth the effort for a really (and I never thought I'd ever say this) enjoyable 10K race.
Waiting at the start line
I think I enjoyed it more than the Sheffield 10K on Day 70 - perhaps because the weather was cold and crisp and we were on more familiar territory.
Boyfriend Andy and I both beat our own times from the Sheffield 10K - he finished in 47 minutes, shaving five minutes off his last time, and I did it in 55 m 25s, so quite pleased - and surprised - to get my time down by eight minutes. Our friend Tim finished in a very impressive 41 minutes.
Chips on and ready to start
Despite the fact the car thermometer said it was below freezing on the way there, the sun was out and it was near perfect conditions for a run (apart from the sun in the eyes!). My leg was hurting for the first two kilometres or so, but bythe 4K mark I'd forgotten all about it and was feeling good. At 7K I struggled, but by 9K I had enough left to stride up the hill into a 'sprint' finish. Get me!
Here's a video I took as I passed Kirkstall Abbey, at the half-way mark and on the last run up to the finish line. (Excuse my heavy breathing!)
So a good day overall, the only bad news being that I failed to record it on MapMyRun. I remember crossing the finish line and pressing save, then goodness knows what happened, but it isn't saved. Grr!
Here are my official finishing results, though, so at least there is some evidence!
Here's a sweaty photo and my watch time if further proof were needed
Well done Claire (and Andy!). Your excellent time proves that you are getting better with all the daily should find the Edinburgh marathon a breeze by next May!! Keep going, I know it won't be easy to drag yourself out on some bad winter days, but as I've said before just keep those children's photos handy for whenever you need some motivation. Moomah xx