Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Day 192: Back home with a sponsorship boost

RUN: 2.9 miles

Back on home soil, boyfriend Andy joined me for the fourth run in a row - I think he's getting used to the company and the slower (for him) pace! Here's our run today.

It's our last day off work today, so it's back down to earth with a bump tomorrow.

We're missing beautiful Ireland and the lovely people there. As well as putting us up, putting up with us and being a very kind host for our few days in Ireland, Kevin Byrne, our friend Donna's dad, even added very generously to my sponsorship total. Check him out at Kevin Byrne Coach Hire.
A huge thank you, too, to the lovely Shauna Mullin for her very kind sponsorship.

People's generosity never fails to touch and amaze me.

 Me, Kevin and Andy as we left Ireland yesterday

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