RUN: 1.2 miles
A nice surprise came in the post today - a letter from our local MP, Stuart Andrew!
The article about me in the Wharfedale Observer must have been spotted by someone in his office and this lovely letter of support popped through my letterbox. I'm honoured.
It says: "I write to congratulate you on your excellent fundraising efforts... the Smile Train is a wonderful charity... it never ceases to amaze me how many people freely give up their time so generously to help make such a difference to other peoples' lives... I hope your story has inspired others to raise money and donate to this excellent and worthwhile cause. You are a real credit to our community and you should be incredibly proud of your achievements... I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you good luck when you participate in the Edinburgh Marathon and wishing you all the best for the future."
Here's today's run - Just a short one before work since I had a very busy evening ahead.
Wow, that's lovely. Well done Clairey. Jenny xxx