RUN: 2.5 miles
This evening I got back from work about 7pm. The weather was warm and sunny, and it was just beginning to turn dusk. It's very uplifting to be able to take advantage of these light evenings
I rarely feel the urge to go out running - it's often a chore - but today it felt a pleasure. I was so enthusiastic in fact, I headed straight up the nearest hill and didn't stop once until I got home. Brilliant. Hopefully I've found my lost confidence.
Here's today's run
Sadly, I wasn't feeling good for long. I got home and heard of the tragedy unfolding at the Boston Marathon. The two bombs that went off close to the finish line of the most prestigious marathon killed two people and injured scores more. Many people have had their feet and legs blown off. Unbelievable scenes. Why would anyone target runners and spectators? How can anyone be so cruel?
I hope all my family and fellow runners will be safe at the Edinburgh Marathon.
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