Sunday, July 08, 2012

Day 14: Two weeks in, only 27.7 miles done

RUN: 1.0 miles

I've just been on my one-mile route again, soaked in Epsom salts and iced my shins (what a palaver for a 10-minute run!) and my legs do feel rather ok. I might try go a bit further again tomorrow. I'm going to spinning (cycling) class at the gym on Wednesday to try to strenghthen my legs up a bit. It's going to be difficult... think I might die.
The weather is much better now, a big improvement on the monsoon conditions we've had lately. Although the ground is still a bit muddy and the fields still a bit waterlogged.

I was hoping to have more miles than this done by this point, but really it is sensible to gradually increase my mileage. So it's not too bad, really.

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