Saturday, March 09, 2013

Day 258: Country calamity on the North York Moors

RUN: 2.9 miles

Well, how can I begin to tell you about today's run? It was a real comedy of errors on my first run out on the North York Moors, where I am staying for the weekend in a very rural barn comversion.

Heading out in to the lovely scenery I was looking forward to a nice, peaceful Saturday session... which I got for the first few miles.
Then this happened....

Don't always trust Google Maps in the countryside. I had set out a route along some lanes, through a farm, down a track and back home. Simples.
Well, not quite. I got to the farm track and it was gated off. So I imagined I could just carry on down the lane and find another way up to the road. Wrong again.
Once I had got myself in the above situation, I decided I was too far along to turn back, so I stuck with the plan and headed for a hedgerow skirting a field with no animals in it. I realised why there were no animals in it when I found myself knee-deep in a bog. Great. Obviously at this point there was more wading going on than running.

Realising I was quite possibly trespassing by this point, I hurried along thinking a farmer might be out with his gun at any moment to chase off this ridiculous offcumden dressed in illuminous pink.

Barbed wire
Then came the next challenge of a barbed wire fence, which I managed to get my pants caught on with one foot stuck through the holes in each side, so I was teetering on the top.
Next came the stream, which I hurdled to get back to the road to sheepishly jog back to the barn. Phew! No damage done, no shots fired, just a lot of mud to carry home and a lesson well and truly learned.

Here's today's disastrous run

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