Saturday, March 02, 2013

Day 251: EIGHTEEN miles - my furthest run yet!

RUN: 18.3 miles

Phew!! If anyone had told me this time last year that I would be able to run 18 miles then I would have thought they were talking to the wrong woman.
This woman likes chocolate cake and sitting still or going for a gentle walk in the countryside. She is not really cut out for anything that requires physical strength, stamina or aptitude.

Well it turns out that all you need is willpower - and if there is one thing this woman does have, it's a very persistent nature.

Here I am this morning eating chocolate cake at Pickles Deli in Baildon (a very lovely cafe, by the way) - not the ideal fuel for running, I know, but I am feeling ravenous all the time at the moment and I was still hungry after lunch with my friend Emma (she encouraged me, I blame her).

...And here I am this afternoon having another go with energy gel mid-run, and a recovery shake after 18 miles.

I decided to try a circular run this weekend, from Guiseley to Baildon, on to the canal through Apperley Bridge, Calverley and Rodley, then up past Kirkstall Abbey and along the A65 through Horsforth, Rawdon, Yeadon, and back to Guiseley.

18 miles is a long way. But it doesn't seem as far now as it did in my mind before I set off. There were a few low points (Kirkstall is much further away from Rodley than I imagined), but with my music on, some fine weather, a positive frame of mind and my body seemingly co-operating, it was possible. And I feel much more confident for the half marathon and even the marathon doesn't seem insurmountable to me after today.

 Running past Kirkstall Abbey
I gave energy gels another try today. I'm still not convinced they will work for me, but the actual eating/drinking of the gel wasn't as horrible an experience as it was last week, and the Maxifuel lemon and lime gel tasted ok. After the run I was back on the chocolate (I can't help it!) with a For Goodness Shakes recovery shake. Really really tasty!
I'm definitely going to try this route again and try to improve on my time of 2h 55m - 9m 33s miles.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Day 250: Resting ahead of tomorrow's biggie

RUN: 1.0 miles

Just the minimum one mile today in preparation for the 18-miler on the training schedule for tomorrow (argh!).

Our race packs for the Liverpool Half Marathon have arrived. I'm really looking forward to doing it, actually. Liverpool is a lovely place and I am strangely excited to take on my first half marathon.
Only two weeks to go... look out for number 2101!

Here's today's little run

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 249: Changing my mind about the gym

RUN: 1.2 miles (1.99km)

With my mileage suitably raised during these past few weeks of marathon training, I have noticed a lot more little niggling injuries sneaking in. There is always something giving me pain or not quite working right.

So I have taken another look at the gym. Rather than it being a bit of a cop out to go and use the treadmill when the pavements are dangerously snowy or icy, I might actually benefit from going to do a bit of strength work.

Today I did 1.99km (I did go to 2km but took the photo a few seconds early!), then concentrated my efforts on doing a few weight exercises to help build my strength.

I ran ten minutes of speed intervals (which apparently helps to build fitness by raising and lowering heart rate). I did one minute intervals of 9kmph and 11kmph.

Among other things I also used the leg press - apparently good for stability and strengthening quads and glutes!

So from now on I think I'll  make this a weekly trip. The gym is not my favourite place to go, but if it helps me complete my challenge and do the marathon, then gym here I come...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 248: Keep on trucking into the city

RUN: 7.6 miles

It was a nice sunny day to run to work to work today, and I felt ok for the first (mostly downhill) half, but quite sluggish for the second half.

The good thing about running into the centre of Bradford, alongside some of the city's busiest roads, is that you can always be seen. For me, having people around is the best motivation to keep going, and attempting to make it look effortless when I am really putting in a lot of effort, makes it somehow feel easier. I guess that's why races with spectators are so popular.

The downside to running along the main roads, I imagine, is the amount of rubbish you are bound to breathe in. I wonder how bad it is for the lungs.

Here's today's run

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 247: Watch this space for me in the news!

RUN: 1.6 miles

Another 1.6 miles to add to my total today. Not too bad, but not the six miles that is down on the training schedule. I'm still struggling with these Tuesday and Thursday six-milers in between these big weekend runs. Hopefully I'll be able to pick them up again in a few weeks once I'm used to doing these longer distances every weekend.

I've been courting the media recently (gathering help from my newspaper colleagues!) and hopefully an article about me should be going in the Bradford Telegraph & Argus soon. I've had some photos taken by T&A photographer Anthony McMillan and been interviewed by feature writer Helen Mead.
I'll keep you posted on the results.

Here's today's run

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 246: Short route to save my aching body

RUN: 1.3 miles

Yesterday's run has predictably taken its toll on my body and I'm feeling rather achey today.
So just a little one today for these decrepit legs.

Here's today's run

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 245: To Bolton Abbey and back... 15 miles!

RUN: 15.0 miles

Yes, that is correct, these little legs have run 15 miles.

Although the training plan actually said I should do 16 miles today, I'm quite pleased with 15, since that's the furthest I've ever run... EVER.

I set off with boyfriend Andy from Ben Rhydding, near Ilkley, and followed the lane along the river, above Addingham, through Nessfield and Beamsley, on to Bolton Abbey.
Andy is suffering with a poorly foot, so didn't quite make it to the abbey, but I thought since I was so close I might as well go and take a photo of it.

Here I am at the half-way point
My conclusions from today's run are:
  • Mountain bikers are a very friendly... a lot more friendly than road bikers.
  • Running in the countryside is more boring than you'd think compared to running in the town/city.
  • I'm feeling confident for a sub-two hour half marathon in three weeks (I was less than half a mile off the half-marathon distance at the two-hour mark).
  • I might actually be able to run a marathon.
Here's my map for today, with the terrain below (you might need to use the zoom on the map to see it properly).

More MapMyRun info on today's run