Monday, October 01, 2012

Day 99: Some tunes to keep me going

RUN: 4.0 miles

Tonight I tried to get out before it got dark. I did my route backwards to leave the main road bit until last to do in the dark, even though it strangely seems more hilly that way.
Anyway, I didn't really feel like running tonight, but luckily I have a bit of an eclectic (dodgy) taste in music and I put some old tunes on to keep me going.
Here's my playlist of songs from tonight, mostly from way before I was born. My plan worked - running along to these made me feel like I was in some sort of training montage from a comedy film set in the 1970s or 80s.

Thanks to my retro playlist I managed to muster enough enthusiasm for four miles. Here they are.


  1. Looks more like MY playlist Clairey!...Even I could run back then in those days!! I've got lots more of it if it helps keep you going? (although most of it's probably on vinyl!).
    Moomah xx

    1. Hmm, I think a record player might be a bit too heavy to carry while I'm running! xx
