Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 178: Bit of a delayed reaction on the scales

RUN: 1.2 miles

I've been running for almost six months now. I'm doing it to raise money, not lose weight, but being a bit fitter and healthier is no bad side-effect and I imagined that I'd probably shed a few pounds along the way. Plus, people always ask me if I'm losing weight with all the running. So here's the answer...

Up until recently the scales have not budged from my original weight of about 9st 10 or so. I'm a healthy size 10 so wasn't bothered about losing weight. "Running isn't a good way to lose weight,"..."You're looking slimmer,"..."Muscle is heavier than fat," says everyone. But I didn't notice any difference, in myself or on the scales.

But over the last couple of weeks I've stepped on the scales out of curiosity and I've seen a rapid change. Now I'm 10 pounds down! I took some photos just to record the miraculous event, because I'm sure it won't last long with the big Christmas eat-off just around the corner (excuse the manky toe in the pics).
Here's today's run

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