Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 24: Not so nice and easy does it

RUN: 1.0 miles

My shins have been bothering me today.
I'm not sure how much of it is me being neurotic and how much is actual injury.
It aches down my shins, and they feel bruised to touch in a certain place. There is sometimes a bit of a shooting pain and sort of a graze-type feeling every so often. Sometimes I can't feel anything at all.
It's not terrible pain or anything, I'm just concerned not to make it any worse and trying to make it better while still running each day.
So I've been stretching and moving my legs under my desk at work all day. I'm still doing the RICE - Rest (only a short run), Ice, Compression (tubigrips), Elevation - and putting on ibuprofen gel.
I'm hopeful that it will get better. So fingers firmly crossed!
Today's map is here, click click.

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